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HomeDo It Before Me20 Easy Lion Drawing Step by Pencil - How To Draw Lion

20 Easy Lion Drawing Step by Pencil – How To Draw Lion

How To Draw Lion

The lion is one of the largest predators in the feline family. Drawing a lion is not easy, if only because we rarely see a lion. The cat certainly looks like a lion, but still, she is not a lion.

The lion is not much different from its tiger and leopard counterparts. The same proportions of the body, except for the lush mane and “tassels” at the tip of the tail.realistic sketch realistic lion drawingdrawing cartoon lion easy how to draw a lion face Drawing a lion from the first drawing lesson may not work, then take a closer look at your cat first and even draw it.

Then it will be easier for you to complete the drawing of a lion. In this lesson, we will learn how to draw a lion in stages, with a simple pencil.sketch how to draw a lion step by step cute lion drawing easy full body lion drawing Let’s start, as always, with the initial contour shapes. You need to draw two circles for the torso and one smaller for the head. The circumference of the front of the lion is slightly larger, and it intersects with the circumference for the head.

When the drawing is done in stages, with a simple pencil, you can always correct the wrong lines, so draw boldly, and if there are mistakes, correct them.roaring lion drawing easy how to draw a lion step by step simple easy lion drawing In drawing a lion, the most difficult stage is the initial one, because you determine the main proportions of the future picture.

At this stage, you only need to add the upper and lower torso lines. I think it won’t be difficult for you to draw it. But the upper parts of the legs will be more difficult to draw, but they need to be drawn exactly as in my drawing.realistic easy lion drawing realistic easy realistic lion drawing step how to draw a lion face Before drawing the paws, let’s make it easier. Outline the tail and continue the top line, connecting it to the front paw. Now let’s draw the rest of the lion’s paws.

“Extend” the front leg with one more additional contour and draw a “pillow” on the leg. Immediately draw the second front paw next to it. About the same you need to draw the hind legs, focusing on my drawing.lion drawing color realistic lion face drawing realistic face realistic lion drawing Now let’s draw the head of the lion. As always, start drawing the simplest elements. Divide the oval of the mouth into three parts and draw a triangle for the nose just above, and draw the eyes last.

Trace the original outlines of the hind legs with a pencil. Try to accurately shape the paws, do not make them too thin or too thick. It is these “little things” that will make the lion’s drawing realistic. Don’t forget to draw the tail.realistic realistic lion drawing drawing lion step by pencil sketch how to draw a lion face After that, remove the extra contour lines from the drawing. You can see now that the drawing of the lion is almost finished, all that remains is to draw the head in detail and shade the drawing with a simple pencil.

I made an extra step on purpose as drawing the lion’s head is not easy. Let’s take a closer look at the lion’s “face” (you can enlarge this image in your browser).how to draw a lion face step by step easy for kids how to draw a lion step by step


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