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HomeColoring PagesRoar-some Fun: Easy Cute Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids

Roar-some Fun: Easy Cute Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids

We hope you have a good time and make wonderful colorings on these printable baby cheetah coloring pages we have prepared for you.

What color should you color your cheetah coloring pages? What is the skin color of the cheetah, yellow or orange?

Although these gorgeous predators, which are one of the fastest running members of the feline family, are generally known for their yellow tones or gray color, long thin bodies, and golden or yellowish fur with plenty of black spots, you can color the depictions in the coloring pages we have prepared in any color you want and print them easily (For more information, please see interesting facts about cheetahs.).

Cute Baby Cheetah Licking an Ice Cream Coloring Page

Cute baby cheetah coloring page, depicting the cheetah holding an ice cream cone with both hands while standing on two legs and licking the ice cream, is appropriate for coloring by both children and adults.

Cute Baby Cheetah Coloring Pages


The coloring sheet depicts a baby cheetah with large eyes and ears, albeit a small body, smiling against a vibrant and lively backdrop, intended to facilitate easy coloring for kids.

Cute Princess Cheetah Wearing a Tiara Coloring Page for Girls

Princess cheetah, depicted with bright kawaii eyes, adorned with a tiara crown and beaded collar, and accompanied by a small heart motif on the left side, presents a coloring page suitable for children, while also possessing an appeal to adults due to its endearing nature.

What do cheetahs eat?

Cheetahs feed on meat, primarily hunting small and medium-sized herbivores like grass-feeding gazelles and impalas.

Baby Cheetah Eating a Hamburger Coloring Page

The baby cheetah cub has big, kawaii eyes and a cute facial expression as she bites into a hamburger as big as she is tall.

Baby Cheetah Traveling in Space Coloring Page for Kids

Coloring page of a happy cheetah cub traveling through space on a UFO, with planets, stars and the Milky Way in the background.

Astronaut Cheetah Coloring Page for Preschoolers

A cute cheetah cub in an astronaut suit sitting on an unknown planet, with space in the background.

A cheetah cub, hungrily eating ice cream, sits with prominent eyelashes and large eyes.

A slightly chubby cheetah cub eats a hamburger, smiling with his eyes as he uses his hands.

Are cheetahs aggressive?

Though cheetahs are not typically considered aggressive and usually avoid people, they can be quite hostile and dangerous if approached. Therefore, when encountering a cheetah, it’s essential to exercise caution and maintain a safe distance.

Can cheetahs be pets, are cheetahs good with people?

Yes, cheetahs can be domesticated, although it is a long and arduous process. However, cheetahs are among the endangered species. For this reason, it would not be appropriate to remove them from their natural habitat, tame them and feed them at home. In addition, domesticated cheetahs are very difficult and quite expensive to care for.

A baby cheetah wearing an astronaut suit is depicted exploring the depths of space on a coloring page, surrounded by planets.

Printable coloring page depicting a cute and handsome cheetah cub with combed wavy hair lying on its back in the savanna grass, awaits either its mother or siblings. It features a realistic design, suitable for adults to color, yet also appealing to children due to its adorable design.

Baby princess cheetah is adorned with a princess crown, long eyelashes, a big head with shining eyes, and a pearl collar.

The subject of the coloring page depicts two cheetah cubs jumping into the air, engaged in playful activities such as wrestling and frolicking amidst the grass and flowers.

A printable coloring page featuring a baby cheetah looking around with a smile, surrounded by some plants.

Coloring sheet of a cute baby cheetah sitting on a rug, with numerous adorable hearts and other charming elements scattered around the cheetah to color.

A coloring page featuring a cute baby cheetah sitting with one paw raised in the air, as if asking for attention.

A baby cheetah adorned with a royal crown and a cute ribbon, featuring colorable lines designed for kids.

Why are cheetah coloring pages so special? What are interesting facts about cheetahs?

Cheetahs prefer to hunt using their speed advantage rather than hiding or employing hunting strategies like lions and wolves. An adult cheetah can accelerate from 0 to 108 kilometers per hour in just 3.1 seconds, a feat rarely seen in any other creature. In this sense, cheetahs are truly remarkable animals.

How can I print a cheetah coloring page?

In this article, you can download all coloring pages, which we share for the personal use of our valuable cheetah-loving visitors, to your device free of charge and print them easily. All you have to do for this is right click on the coloring page that you like and want to color on the right-hand side and click “save image as…”, where the image will automatically save in your “Downloads” folder.

Easy Cute Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids Free Printable

Easy Cute Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids Printable

Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Page

Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids Free Printable

Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids Printable

Cheetah Coloring Pages for Kids Free Printable

Cute Baby Cheetah Coloring Pages for Kids Free Printable

Cute Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Page for Kids Free Printable

Cute Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids Free Printable

Cute Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids Printable

Easy Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids Free Printable

Easy Cute Baby Cheetah Coloring Pages for Kids Free Printable

Easy Cute Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Page for Kids Free Printable

Easy Cute Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Page Free Printable

Easy Cute Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids Free Printable

Easy Cute Baby Cheetah Cub Coloring Pages for Kids Printable

Clarice Bruckman
Clarice Bruckman
Clarice Brookman is a partner in the Do It Before Me. Her principal area of practice includes coloring pages, drawings, and art designs. Brookman has extensive experience advising parents on guiding children's development through various artistic activities, including coloring and drawing.


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