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HomeColoring PagesFree Printable Cute Brown Bear Coloring Pages to Print

Free Printable Cute Brown Bear Coloring Pages to Print

We have prepared numerous free printable cute brown bear coloring pages for you. You can easily color these sheets with the hues of your choice and share them with your loved ones. The natural habitat of brown grizzly bears encompasses a wide variety of ecosystems, including dry Asian steppes and temperate forests, ranging from sea level to 5,000 meters (16,404 feet). The global population estimate exceeds 200,000 individuals (for more information please see* Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) Fact Sheet. c2010-2019. San Diego (CA): San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance; accessed 17 February 2024).

The cute brown bears illustrated in the coloring pages below are shy around people. Naturally, individuals wouldn’t want to encounter a brown bear unprepared in the wild, unless they are professional bear wrestlers 😊 or something of the sort.

Bear Catching Salmon Fish Coloring Sheet

Printable coloring page of a smiling baby brown bear holding a large salmon fish.

Bear with a Heart Coloring Page

Cute brown bear cub with big eyes holding a heart.

Bear Family

Cute brown bear mother and her baby cub sitting together, with flowers and plants in the background.

Brown bears, whose habitats are unfortunately decreasing day by day due to various reasons, are very cute creatures from a safe distance. Children especially enjoy watching iconic moments like these bears catching spawning salmon in streams.

Do you want to quickly learn some interesting facts about brown bears before you start coloring? Brown bears, which have a very broad diet as both carnivores and herbivores, hibernate as do all bear races. They need to be fed and lubricated especially before going into hibernation. Brown bears, found in many parts of the world, especially in America, Europe, Russia, and the Far East, can grow up to 2.2 meters tall. The height and weight of females are relatively less than males.

Forest Bear

Brown bear cub sitting in a forest with trees and grass in the background.

Flower Bear

Brown bear cub is surrounded by blooming flowers.

River Bear

Baby brown bear sitting by a river, holding a salmon.

Coloring pages featuring baby brown bear cubs are a completely different matter! Bear cubs are protected and raised by mother bears. They learn what food to eat, how to eat it, and where to find it from their mothers. Additionally, they learn the locations of water sources and to stay away from creatures that may pose a danger to them. Brown grizzly bear cubs love to play games with each other, making it quite enjoyable to watch them.

Coloring these majestic creatures with coloring supplies whether colored pencils or crayons instills a sense of appreciation and respect for nature, wildlife, and the ecosystems they inhabit among coloring enthusiasts, both children and adults. By coloring these free printables below, you can connect with nature and express your inner artistic creativity in vibrant tones.

Cute Bear

Kawaii brown bear cub with big eyes, sitting with its paws forward.

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*for more information about brown bears please see Brown Bear (Ursus arctos) Fact Sheet. c2010-2019. San Diego (CA): San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance; [accessed 17 February 2024].

Ilknur YAVUZ
Ilknur YAVUZ
Yavuz is one of the prominent volunteer coloring page designers on our Do Before Me team, known for her kawaii, creative, yet simple and easy-to-color designs, especially created for kids. As a devoted mother of two, Yavuz's interest in coloring pages began with activities she shared with her children. She stepped into the world of coloring page design to create engaging activities, including but not limited to, designing coloring sheets for her own kids based on their interests. Eventually, she wanted to share these works with every child for free, through a social website like Drawing strength from this personal passion, Yavuz, both as a mother and an artist, continues to inspire children with her increasingly impressive and professional innovative content under the umbrella of Do It Before Me. Taking into account the difficulties and challenges her own children face, Yavuz has brought a unique perspective to the world of coloring pages!


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